API Documentation

Jupter's goal is to have a simple and small publish & subscribe API that is super-powerful at the same time. Every method in Jupiter is chainable.

jupiter(String || Array || Object-literal)

Initiates jupiter and accepts one of:

This method can be cached using a variable, or used directly every time.


Object-literal schema:

    'parent': ['child', '...etc']

Each parent topic (property) in the object must map to an Array of child topics. Each parent/child is then chainable.

.sub([key, ]callback[, context])

Subscribe a function to a topic.

Note: key and context can be optionally set, as long as they remain in the order of key, callback, context:

.sub('myKey', myCallback) // key, callback
.sub(myCallback, this) // callback, context

Now that you have subscribers setup, any time a topic is published to, the subscriber will be called.


Publish (broadcast) the topic to all subscribers. Accepts unlimited optional arguments.


Unsubscribe all callbacks from the topic, or when passing a key name (from the .sub() method), unsubscribe just one callback.

The callback(s) will no longer be called when a topic is published to.

.list(callback[, true])

Returns all callbacks for the provided topic. Optionally pass true to return the entire callback Object. Does not publish.